Aim: To enable persons from commerce & industry to identify & assess the risks associated with Confined Space working.
Duration: 1 Day (Approx 8 contact hrs)
Pre Requisites:
- Understand current legislation regarding Confined Spaces
- Recognise Confined Spaces and their associated hazards
- Understand and implement Safe Systems of Work/Permits to Work
Course Content
- Definitions and types of Confined Spaces
- Synopsis of Confined Spaces Legislation
- Confined Spaces hazards
- Common hazardous atmospheres
- Atmosphere testing
- Safe systems of work/Risk Assessments
- Permits to work
- Hygiene and other health hazards
Training Methods
Participative with case studies & exercises
Confirmation of Learning
Is achieved by ongoing assessor assessment
Site Requirements
Classroom facility with power
This course does not cover the needs of persons required to physically enter a Confined Space wearing breathing apparatus or escape sets.