C&M Training Consultant Delivers “Healthcare Waste Carrier Trainers” Course in Serbia

(Sept 2012)

C&M Training’s senior consultant, Craig Chandler has developed
and delivered a Healthcare Waste Carrier (HWC) Trainers course as part of
an EU funded Healthcare Waste Management project in the Republic of Serbia.

The infectious healthcare waste management system in Serbia relies on the
transport of Infectious Waste (UN 3291) to Central Treatment Points (CTP)
for treatment prior to final disposal into landfill. This transport is governed
by both international agreements (ADR) and domestic legislation.

ADR requires that drivers transporting less than 333 Kg of Infectious Waste
in UN Approved containers need to receive training in line with the requirements
of ADR Chapter 1.3.

Training in the form of a Healthcare Waste Carriers (HWC) course was previously
developed by Craig to comply with this requirement and many of these courses
have been delivered throughout Serbia.

To ensure the sustainability of the HWC training system, it was decided
to develop key staff throughout Serbia to enable them to deliver the HWC
course. To facilitate this, a HWC Trainers course was developed and delivered.

The course was delivered at the National Institute for Public Health (NIPH) Dr Milan Jovanovic Batut in Belgrade by Craig Chandler (DGSA & ADR instructor) and Nenad Bosiljcic

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThe HWC Trainers Course delivered in Serbia at the National Institute for Public Health Dr Milan Jovanović Batut in Belgrade on 26 Sep 2012